hey hi - i'm morgaine
got sick of corporate algorithms monetizing my attention span - so i learned html and here i am on neocities. Mostly hanging around looking for queer friends, weird art, and heavy underground music. Might also stick around to post album reviews or diary entries.
i make music as Gadianton and Seerstone. check out the noise page and give it a listen. I love fucking around with guitars, synths, pedals, and cassette tapes.
Still putting this page together, so expect emptiness while i learn some html.

about me
ok, a little about me? I'm a 27 year old trans woman living in bible belt, usa. I'm obsessed with listening to music and finding new bands. When i'm not doing that i'm usually watching WWE, smoking on my porch, or hanging out with my baby birds.
I don't play a lot of videogames but i have a special place in my brain-files for dwarf fortress and pokemon. I'm playing through Leaf Green right now.
my favorite movie is hellraiser - that shit is so sick.