A website for our d&d campaign
I've been running this campaign on and off for years, and I've built up a lot of notes about the world. I'm going to try and get it all together in one place here so it's available to players and archived for the future. Take a look around and discover the Realm of Dragonthrone
Site is still under construction. Expect to find dead links
check out the Dungeon Mistress' website here

click on the dragon eggs to help them hatch
The realm of Dragonthrone is an ancient continent rich with mystery, mysticism, and Doom!
It takes its name from the Dragonthrones - poweful dragons who rule all the powers of the world, much like the humanoid gods are believed to do. Like the Gods, these dragons are appealed to by mortals for luck, protection, or power. Some are worshipped with great reverence, and others are feared by whole queendoms.
It is said that one day a battle between Dragonthrones will split the realm in half from the clouds to the depths of hell.
This is the world of your deadly adventure...